A computer blog of ultrabook accessories,We sell cheap laptop adapters, such as Asus AC Adapter, Apple AC Adapter,Dell AC Adapter and batterie ordinateur.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Cette unité ajoute vraiment à l'utilité de l'Asus Transformer
Le dock clavier Asus TF300T est très utile et permet l'utilisation de périphériques USB standard pour transférer des données à la tablette theTF300T. La tablette tactile commande le curseur de la souris et ainsi permet l'entrée de texte très rapide en utilisant le clavier de taille presque plein. En outre, la batterie intégrée ajoute plus de 5 heures de temps d'exécution tablette pour les 8 heures de temps d'exécution + tablette. Il s'agit de la tablette meilleur combo et stataion dock qui est disponible à mon avis. adapteer podbean.
C'est génial. ultrabook news blog se glisse sur et en dehors très facilement. J'aime particulièrement les touches de commande supplémentaires. Idéal pour une telle petite planche clé. Je ne peux pas accélérer type ainsi que les touches sont plus proches que d'une carte standard. Mais je savais que quand je l'ai acheté. Et laptoponline blog vaut mieux que ce que j'attendais. La construction se sent solide. Para?t que ?a va durer aussi longtemps que le bien et plein claviers ligne du haut. J'ai aussi acheter l'étui en cuir par Poetic qui contiendra les tables et le clavier. Grand emballage.
J'aime ce clavier. Ce n'est pas trop grand et pas trop petite.exa0904yh ressemble à un ordinateur portable lorsque vous êtes connecté.
Ce clavier me permet de faire ce que je dois faire quand je dois faire quelque chose rapidement et ne pas vouloir à l'écran tactile. Il dispose d'un port USB qui me permet de vous connecter à d'autres sources.exa1004eh garde ma batterie de mon Asus et utilise seulement l'énergie emmagasinée dans la batterie à partir du clavier. Je ne le recommanderais pas si l'on envisage d'utiliser le port USB d'un lot, et si l'on envisage de faire beaucoup de l'écriture et aura besoin du clavier.
Il ajoute un nombre décent de ports utiles, autonomie de la batterie supplémentaire, et bien s?r le clavier réel pour ces sessions qui ne se prêtent pas à toucher le typage écran. adp-120zb est facile de jeter dans les bagages enregistrés, ou l'irritant déploiement à bord tout le monde semble vouloir prendre, de modifier leur désagréments sur tout le monde. Désolé pour ?a. Juste dire que vous pourrez profiter de la portabilité de la tablette tout en voyageant, et bénéficiez des avantages quand vous êtes plus fixe.
En tout cas, voulu exposer quelque chose qui est très difficile à trouver. Les frais de cale clavier via 15v, 5v pas typique avec USB. Les TF300 charges exceptionnelles de 5V. Elle se chargera sur un port PC, ou n'importe quel nombre de chargeurs troisième partie. Le quai sera PAS. Obtenez une loupe et regardez les specs sur le chargeur fourni avec votre tablette,pa-1400-24,
Dit 5VDC et 15VDC. Regardez dans le manuel que vous pouvez trouver en ligne, dans la section relative à la taxation de la tablette dans le dock. "La plage de tension d'entrée entre la prise murale et cet exa0801xa est AC 100V - 240V et la tension de sortie de cet adaptateur est DC 15V, 1.2A." Aurait été bien avec moi si le quai était venu avec une alimentation séparée avec un connecteur coaxial, ce que j'aurais pu être en mesure de trouver quelque part. Irritant qu'ils ont créé un connecteur propriétaire d'une prise USB à l'autre extrémité qui ne se charge pas de l'USB, mais seulement à partir de leur chargeur bizarre qui fournit 15v et 5v.
faite pour les quais de transformateurs, d'abandonner. Ne fonctionne pas, alors le sucer et acheter un véritable Asus Transformer le chargeur si vous, comme moi, comme un disque de secours, de sauvegarde, peu importe. Pas n'importe quel chargeur Asus. Mon chargeur Asus fourni avec mon Nexus 7 (Asus) ne le ferai pas. C'est juste 5v. Je dois être un chargeur transformateur. chargeur asus adp-65jh bb s'agit pour le dock. La tablette se charge de presque tout ce qui ressemble USB, withing raison.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Samsung vous avez fait un chef-d' uvre
J'ai été un utilisateur d'iPhone précédente, jusqu'à ce que je suis passé de la 4 à un Galaxy S2, et je l'ai aimé, mais cpa09-004a y avait beaucoup de mauvaises choses avec le S2, Samsung a écouté les commentaires des utilisateurs et ont utilisé leur expérience pour faire ce chef-d'?uvre de 4,8 pouces . Pourquoi j'aime ce téléphone à ce point?
1) Performance - Le défilement est lisse de beurre, de beurre de jeu est bon, même jeter NOVA 3 à éliminer ce ne sera pas ce que quad-core Exynos 4212 et l'amélioration de Mali-400 bêtes (oh je veux dire à puce) à l'intérieur de ce téléphone. samsung ad-4214l souffle le Tegra 3 et S4 Snapdragon nettoyer hors de l'eau, désolé One propriétaires X.
2) Audio - Le S2 a une qualité audio acceptable, c'est chip Yamaha était très bien pour ... la plupart des gens, mais samsung ba44-00278a était un peu décevant par rapport à égaliser la qualité sonore de l'iPhone, donc j'ai toujours utilisé le logiciel de décodage pour écouter de la musique. La S3 a vu le retour de Samsung à la puce audio Wolfson, et il est absolument magnifique surtout avec le nouveau système qui permet SoundAlive Amplification des graves, la clarté, et la virtualisation hors de la bo?te.
3) Caméra - Le S2 de l'appareil photo était bonne, la caméra S3 est encore meilleure. Il peut s'agir d'un ?maigre? 8 mégapixels, mais Samsung a joué un peu avec le logiciel afin de créer un appareil photo avec zéro délai de l'obturateur, un atout certain. Maintenant, il peut prendre de superbes photos au exa0904yh, rapidement.
4) Autonomie de la batterie - Le GS2 a une autonomie notoirement horrible, c'était essentiellement essentielle à la racine et installer ROM personnalisé en raison de la durée de vie de la batterie. Le GS2 a une batterie 1650 mAh, le S3 dispose d'une batterie 2100 mAh. Il peut y avoir encore plus de puissance que le S2, mais la durée de vie de la batterie est nettement amélioré, je viens de regarder plus de 2 heures d'affilée de la vidéo 720p et la batterie meerely est passé de 85% à 70%. Si c'était mon GS2 exa0901xh serait passé de 85% à 60 ou même plus bas. Autonomie de la batterie tout en utilisant des données a également été améliorée, une heure de navigation sur Internet a frappé ma batterie seulement 10% au lieu des 20 ou 30 qui aurait été vu sur le S2
5) Le toucher - Le S2 a été fabriqué à partir de plastique, très léger qui se sentait pas cher. Bien s?r, je sais mieux que de juger "pas cher" est un téléphone de légèreté, mais d'autres commentateurs détesté pour cette raison. Samsung a répondu en faisant le S3 de poly-carbonate, le même matériau que X. On En conséquence, exa0801xa asus se sent solide et léger à la main, étonnamment il a réussi à être 5g plus lourd que celui X tout en se sentant tellement plus léger.
6) Les ?nouveaux? TouchWiz - Je sais TouchWiz a eu beaucoup, je veux dire beaucoup de haine au fil des ans. Je détestais TW3 moi-même, et ne bénéficient pas de la TW4 orignal, seulement profiter de verrouillage de l'écran qu'il est. Les Touchwiz nouvelles expédiées avec ce téléphone qui a une nature feel to ultrabook news se sent bien. L'effet d'entra?nement sur le déverrouillage est très agréable et j'ai apprécié le tiroir Galaxy Nexus app inspiré. En plus je suis tellement reconnaissante à Samsung pour enlever les moyeux horribles sociaux et des médias.
Bien s?r mais ... en tout ukscreens blog ya des choses que vous n'aimez pas, et ce n'est pas différent. Le HD Super AMOLED écran est grand, mais je souhaite vraiment que pour ce téléphone ils ont créé la version Plus. La matrice PenTile est juste inférieure à la disposition RBG RBG. Le ppi est assez élevé cependant pour arrêter l'image d'être floue, donc c'est juste une nitpik. Les choses comme Smartstay et S-Voice sont franchement trucs bien, et tandis qu'ils semblent avoir un potentiel qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment ... travail. Franchement Iris est meilleure que S-Voice.
Troisièmement: le téléphone maintenu à se fermant. Au hasard, l'écran devient noir et je dois le remettre sous tension. C'était aga?ant et fait le laptop news plut?t inutilisable.
J'ai commandé ce téléphone après avoir lu les critiques et la détermination que je ne voulais pas dépenser autant d'argent pour un téléphone cellulaire que ce que vous finissez par payer normalement par une compagnie de téléphone cellulaire. J'ai toujours eu de la chance avec des retours sur achats via Amazon et j'étais à peu près certain que si j'avais besoin de le retourner, je le pouvais.
J'ai été agréablement surpris quand j'ai re?u le téléphone. laptoponline blog a été bien emballé, livré rapidement et même chargé. Il n'y avait pas d'instructions avec elle, mais c'est assez facile à trouver en ligne, ce que j'ai fait. Le téléphone est très agréable et je peux faire la police suffisamment grande pour lire, ce qui peut être un problème. L'écran est assez grand pour que vous puissiez voir ce que vous faites et j'adore le GPS! J'ai pu naviguer à travers les paramètres facilement et avait le téléphone en un rien de temps.
J'ai acheté le produit d'avoir un téléphone débloqué lorsque vous voyagez à l'étranger, ce que je fais plusieurs fois par an. Le téléphone a travaillé pendant moins de deux mois avant, sans raison (jamais tombé, submergé, etc, le téléphone), le téléphone a cessé de tourner sur à cause de problèmes matériels. Quand j'ai appelé Samsung, ils m'ont dit que les téléphones déverrouillés sont pas couverts par la garantie. Cette politique est spécifique à Samsung (Apple, par exemple, des garanties honneurs quel que soit le canal de vente). J'ai eu d'autres téléphones intelligents (BlackBerry, adaptateur Asus, HTC, etc) pendant de nombreuses années et je n'ai jamais vu un dysfonctionnement téléphone si rapidement. MISE EN GARDE - téléphones Samsung ont d'importantes questions de contr?le qualité. L'achat d'un téléphone débloqué ANNULE EN LIGNE DE LA GARANTIE D'UN AN.
Pour ce qui est du téléphone lui-même, laptop parts fonctionne très lentement. Je ne sais pas si c'est le fournisseur de services ou téléphone lui-même. J'ai utilisé le téléphone en France sur le réseau SFR, Etats-Unis sur le réseau AT & T, en Angleterre sur le réseau Vodaphone, et en Espagne sur le réseau Orange (tout service prépayé) dans les 2 <mois que le téléphone travaillées. De ces lieux asus exa0703yh vaut mieux travaillé au Royaume-Uni, mais la vitesse des données était encore nettement plus lent que mon iPhone sur AT & T à New York. La résolution d'écran est si pauvre, vous ne serez pas en mesure de lire quoi que ce soit sur le 3.5 "écran sans agrandir le texte. Le téléphone se sent plastoque / chincy. Que je considère HTC pour téléphones Android plus fin. Pour les téléphones bas de gamme, il ya de meilleures options de Motorola ou d'autres téléphones Samsung. éviter à tout prix d'un service à la clientèle 1), 2) point de vue de la qualité, la fonctionnalité et la perspective 3) (au moins les téléphones bas de gamme à puce).
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Samsung S5830 Galaxy Unlocked Description du produit Téléphone
Le Samsung GALAXY Ace prend une approche minimale dans sa conception, ce qui entra?ne un mobile sophistiqué qui séduira. Les bords lisses arrondies et mince, de taille compacte sont un plaisir pour envelopper vos doigts autour, tout comme le grand écran de 3.5 "HVGA est un plaisir à regarder. Avec environ 100, 000 applications disponibles sur l'Android Market, cpa09-004a n'y a pas de fin à ce que votre mobile peut faire. Profitez d'innombrables jeux, utilitaires, applications nouvelles, de la santé et de la finance avec plus étant ajoutés chaque jour. La portée de ce GALAXY Ace pouvez faire est virtuellement illimité! GALAXY Ace propose un système entièrement intégré un modèle de page de votre annuaire ba44-00272a, messagerie instantanée, e-mail, et SNS. Vous pouvez également organiser et afficher vos contacts en fonction de quatre différents formats-Info, Histoire, activités et médias afin que vous puissiez personnaliser votre mise en page comme vous le souhaitez. GALAXY Ace est entièrement chargé avec tout ce que je besoin pour la navigation web en douceur, le 0455a1990 et plus encore. Equipé d'un processeur 800 MHz et une forte connexion Wi-Fi, je peux surfer sur le web, télécharger des applications rapidement et partager du contenu avec des amis. multitache est un jeu d'enfant, afin que nous puissions avoir du plaisir dans toutes sortes manières. GALAXY Ace dispose QuickType par SWYPE, une interface intelligente qui relie les points faits par le doigt de comprendre ce que vous êtes en train d'écrire. En dépla?ant votre doigt sur le clavier de lettre en lettre dans un mouvement fluide, des sens mobiles exactement ce que vous voulez dire!
J'ai acheté ce téléphone pour un couple de mois et pour être honnête c'est ma première expérience avec les smartphones, car chargeur ad-4019sl m'a fallu plusieurs jours pour vous familiariser avec son fonctionnement, et je suis d'avoir un téléphone ordinaire pour ce gadget incroyablement fonctionnel et le changement a été un bond notable, son processeur de 800 MHz est assez rapide et efficace. L'écran tactile est de très bonne qualité, sensible aux rayures résistant (gorille de verre), décent définition étonnante et de la luminosité. pa-1400-24 l'appareil photo prend des photos d'une qualité acceptable, et la vidéo se déroule bien. La taille du téléphone sans être petite rend apte à transporter dans votre poche sans problème, ou l'inconfort des smartphones gamme plus élevée et et le prix.
Android comme système operattivo est très conviviale et intuitive, facile à utiliser et j'aime pouvoir, parce que tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec un téléphone et plus encore!
Fonctionne très bien avec le réseau 3G de mon pays (Costa Rica). samsung cpa09-002a suffit d'insérer la carte SIM et voila, quelques minutes, j'ai été conected et fonctionne correctement, je ne pense pas que ce serait si simple pour être honnête!
La seule chose négative que je pourrais dire à ce jour est la courte autonomie lors de l'utilisation simultanée de plusieurs fonctions (problème commun avec les smartphones) comme déjà mentionné dans d'autres grades ici ... Mais cela est facilement résolu avec un chargeur supplémentaire au bureau et à la maison, et télécharger tous les jours ... chargeur asus exa0904yh!
A re?u le remplacement, mais il va également revenir à asus ux31 chargeur. Cette fois, je n'ai même pas allumer le téléphone, le problème est sur l'écran tactile, il ya 6 points (de la taille d'une pièce de monnaie) qui ne peuvent pas être nettoyés, on dirait qu'elle est en fait de l'autre c?té de l'écran. Ceci est vraiment vieilli, tout ce que je veux, c'est une autre question withour téléphone. Et de traiter avec le processus d'échange est un cauchemar. Au moins l'échange des téléphones sans fil est totalement différent de tout le reste exchaning laptop online vend. Restez à l'écoute
3 mois après j'ai eu au téléphone ukscreens blog s'est arrêté de charge. Nous avons attendu plus de 2 semaines alors qu'il a été ?réparée? au Texas. Lorsque le téléphone a été renvoyé il ne serait toujours pas payer. Après quelques appels de plus un nouveau chargeur et la batterie nous a été envoyé. Avec la nouvelle pile elle a commencé à imposer, mais chuterait appels téléphoniques quelques minutes dans un appel téléphonique. Une fois encore, nous avons d? le renvoyer au Texas pour réparation. Nous avons re?u ce matin au téléphone et il est à c?té de la carte SIM et le capot arrière. Ils disent qu'ils ont perdu la carte SIM et je dois aller en acheter un nouveau. J'ai d? appeler une demi-douzaine de fois pour obtenir des choses fixes et chaque fois que je suis transféré à 2 ou 3 départements différents et ultrabook news overblog faut 30-60 minutes ou plus. Cela fait plus d'un mois et je n'ai toujours pas de téléphone qui fonctionne - et tout ce temps j'ai été payer pour le service. J'aime le téléphone quand il fonctionne, mais le modèle de soutien de Samsung est un tel désastre que je ne serai jamais acheter un produit Samsung à nouveau. Quand mon iPhone a échoué Je l'ai pris à l'Apple Store et il a été remplacé en moins d'une demi-heure.
J'ai acheté ce téléphone pour mon ami qui vit au Costa Rica. laptop adapter news est venu exactement comme décrit à partir OG sans fil (Wireless Open Group). J'ai utilisé ma carte SIM pour tester et cela a fonctionné parfaitement! Je suppose que cela fonctionnera aussi bien avec sa carte SIM au Costa Rica. Je ne peux pas attendre pour lui donner! Et franchement, je voudrais avoir acheté un pour moi! Téléphones déverrouillés sont le chemin à parcourir! Ne pas se laisser prendre dans les transactions contractuelles cellulaires! Acheter un téléphone, vous pouvez utiliser n'importe où avec n'importe quelle carte SIM! Téléphone venu dans son emballage d'origine avec tous les protecteurs clairs comme avec un téléphone flambant neuf. Délai de livraison rapide. Rien que de bonnes choses à dire au sujet de ce vendeur!
Téléphone individuellement est génial .. Tout est venu avec le téléphone! Adaptateur secteur, chargeur mural casque ECT ... asus ux31e chargeur ne fonctionne avec le réseau ATT! Bien que le téléphone est grand il est livré avec une mémoire externe NO .. Vous devrez acheter vous-même .. Téléphone est rapide .. DEF vaut le prix!
Dès le début, il a présenté un certain nombre de grands problèmes. Tout d'abord, le pilote wi-fi serait bousiller et ne s'allume pas, peu importe la fa?on dont je l'ai allumé. Dans Paramètres Wi-Fi adaptateur samsung suffit de lire ?erreur?. Il ya un numéro de téléphone, vous pouvez taper pour redémarrer le conducteur et le réparer, mais ?a se passait si souvent que cela était inacceptable.
Deuxièmement, appelle. Même avec le signal complet et tous, pour une raison quelconque, le téléphone ne serait tout simplement pas passer d'appels. Vous devez composer un numéro, et il raccroche avant que l'appel ne commence. J'ai tout essayé et en vain.
By ac adapter
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Check out the Series 3 NP305E5A mobile computer Nearly all Useful Customer Testimonials
I am any pc individual. I truly do my own study ahead of My partner and i buy something and also ordinarily realize precisely precisely what I am finding in my revenue. My partner and i found this lovely tiny device and snapped up one particular for $399 even though these people were with samsung ad-6019r. I became totally surprised by the efficiency of the small creature. Firstly, internet connected computers is actually stunning, mild, thinks effectively built, along with has a battery that will endures 4-5 several hours also although loading online video over wi-fi compatability. Precisely what actually blew me away nonetheless was precisely how strong your AMD processor as well as graphics abilities are generally for a notebook computer only at that price tag position. Since the playback quality card stocks program memory I bought another 4GB stay regarding DDR3 Ram for about $30 along with put in cpa09-004a within the second video slot (Any good feature) that starts unfilled with this mobile computer. I'm able to run Planet associated with Warcraft in large along with steady 60fps almost everywhere, or perhaps on super using up to 60fps throughout dungeons and also 20-30fps otherwise. I became in addition in a position to perform The previous Republic pertaining to many hours and hours on moderate adjustments using 30fps. This can be a fantastic mobile computer for that value position, as well as the mobile player or even MMO individual it has got the job done. The display screen is very clear as well as quality seems to be good, as well as the Hiburan interface interface is often a great additionally. Wireless bluetooth built within is often a function generally discovered upon extra pricey samsung ad-6019 along with tends to make adding pictures out of your smart phone an utter wind.
We enjoyed this notebook as well as nonetheless kind of like it, I managed to get what samsung aa-pa2n40l adapter states around the field, speedy, light and portable and low cost. The one purpose just what I'm supplying a 1 legend will be because of the pad what exactly is produced involving, pretty inexpensive plastic material. I mean this can be a easily transportable gadget, true material have to always be adequate proof for the everyday coping with: possessing, raising, open/close the actual sport bike helmet, whichever. Effectively the tale is following 2 weeks regarding obtaining this computer, just after any complete day's working on it (ended up being fairly hot by the way) We nabbed from your left facet of your scenario working with one hands (sport bike helmet available) then I heard the particular split and also a big fissure appeared in the topcase, from your interior side in the cover assistance till reaching the laptop keyboard (even via the keyboard at this point), My partner and i got to say this is not huge laptop computer, the idea weight load the particular 50 % of my previous vaio computer system as well as I'm actually not really a sturdy individual that will smash products while having samsung 0335c1960. I would feel greater easily simply decreased ultrabook news or even one thing, a minimum of this will be our wrong doing, yet in this case My spouse and i do not really feel that's my wrong doing, it wasn't the crack on the watch's screen which usually the most common thing which could happen any time you keep any mobile computer badly, it turned out a fracture on what is imagine to be the strongest portion over a notebook. The actual heat may also influence within this circumstance, nevertheless should you have bad high-quality plastic and heat and then there's certainly not amaze. Referred to as Samsung plus they consider this particular as an accident thus it is not necessarily coated by the manufacturer's warranty. The actual fracture is on the topcase, which is not just a common exchangeable component, soon after rooting on the net for a substitution identified a new china web site that markets the particular best instances with this brand name, 55 dollars + shipping, obtained this these days and for the duration of your substitution just identified out in which anything can be inexpensive concerning this particular personal computer coming from screws to wires applied about it. We nearly out of cash the new topcase when changing samsung aa-pa1n90w. So be careful about it product, utilize each arms though holding it, handle it extremely cautious just like you were possessing the baby.
your to prevent travel! this kind of seems to be any continual theme using this type of model, and also possibly despite having samsung generally. viewing the actual godfather aspect II at 1h Forty three minute, my spouse and i hear a new ratcheting appear, and also every little thing crushes with a cease, samsung ad-9019s ended up being being a n-scale educate wreck, itty bitty skreetching along with sounds along with pow my evening has been destroyed! proceeded for you to try a number of other cds, data, films, cd's, video games, software, many would not examine, these that would would likely are unsuccessful along with once again the actual motion pictures i can get to participate in brought on tragic failing from 1h 41 minutes and also 1h 33min respectively! named straight talk samsung, got a scenario Number, that they had me personally attempt in order to set up owners (they were as much as time), attempted a regain, simply no effect, directed me a shipping and delivery lable as well as in much less than 5 times acquired my own samsung spa-p30 adapter back to myself with a brand-new to prevent generate. if your maintaining count, that's 2 components downfalls so far.
The real purpose that I gave this particular thing just one legend score is actually because the wifi card can be awful. It maintains disconnecting through the modem, I am looking at any different notebook ideal subsequent to this particular Samsung and also feel not really possessing an individual issue. We've up-to-date the actual individuals utilizing House windows constructed within driver look for. My partner and i tried seeking up-to-date motorists in Samsung's site nevertheless samsung aa-pa2n40w seems House windows provides the most recent. We attempted looking for Atheros drivers directly via Atheros but most I can uncover is often a couple of scammy web pages that want one to set up a few program in order to download drivers. I chose to just get several affordable outside Hardware wireless adapter considering I would repair the issue but in which doesn't seem in order to function sometimes.
My own computer began cold i was getting BSODs and african american window screens within approximately 6 weeks useful. Glass windows Fix along with Program Bring back couldn't restore our Glass windows installing. Thus, I needed to re-install Glass windows once once again. And then, pa-1400-14 froze as soon as once more. We ran the chkdsk and yes it noted a few poor industries. Therefore, the hard drive was the culprit. The particular Intelligent application reports Calibration Retry Count number while 1,923 (need to be Zero) : signifies mechanical challenges with the drive and Pending Industry count since 4. My spouse and i contacted New samsung consumer services and they also do not appear to become experienced. These people needed myself to complete a new full bring back and see when cpa09-002a works you aren't. Total Restore would likely wipe out every one of the information and it'll set up Home windows 7 once more. 1. I would shed all of my private data (I'm able to take a copy but, it is time intensive). 2. Just how do Complete bring back fix your components issues?
The most significant challenge I needed with this particular process had been obtaining a new Red hat submission in which proved helpful with all the graphics chip. I tried Red hat Peppermint (depending on Eileen Scarn's review), CentOS 6, as well as Fedora 16, ahead of I finally tried Fedora 17 'beta'. F17 Experiment with (We utilised the actual KDE Reside Compact disc) works being a champion. We've in no way recently been worried concerning the "Beta" reputation along with Fedora produces and possess in no way got virtually any key difficulties along with samsung 0455a1990. This system shoes or boots together with the available supply Radeon graphics new driver included together with the distribution. We don't genuinely need the particular accelerated Animations graphics therefore I am not really likely to worry about while or if perhaps that can become readily available just for this chipset. As much as I could tell, everything is actually working as promoted. The actual screen can be clean and also obvious, Wireless and wi-fi are acknowledged (We haven't analyzed them however nevertheless in line with Eileen Scarn's review they operate nicely). I basically such as the computer keyboard. All in all, a fine system which to run A linux systemunix.
By FR Adapter
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Buyer Beware--Screen Very Simple to crack--ASUS Transformer TF300 dilemma
I'll create much more to the review any time I have moment on the other hand took it ahead and place this about right here as being a warning to any individual online resources one or perhaps considering buying a single. Your Live view screen chips Extremely quickly. I have only experienced my very own just for over 1 calendar month. asus r33030 adapter has been in a case and has been recently handled properly.
I've acquired the ipad tablet because the main thus I am really applied with a tablet. Anyhow, My partner and i don't have any idea the actual way it cracked. It was not dropped, shoved or even held from the corner. The housing and also cup tend to be great (no chafes, scars or anything). After taking a look at this carefully, this appears the actual homes will not present adequate support. Soon after adp-90sb bb chipped, I gently flexed it and also using the smallest regarding pressure you may see the housing fold plus the Liquid crystal display flexing within. My partner and i liked the actual usability as well as the all round system yet there is Not a way I'd acquire yet another one till these people fix this specific issue. I reckon that your steel homes about the apple ipad tablet retains this through warming up.
asus pa-1900-24 By the method, I referred to as ASUS and also they're certainly not really helpful. I used to be about keep pertaining to almost an hour. I can scarcely comprehend the initial individual I talked along with. When i inspired to make contact with a boss. He had been pretty simple to know and also experimented with to be valuable but he or she just kept saying I'd place too much stress on-screen. I'm far from a great The apple company lover (in fact that's precisely what driven me for you to attempt the actual ASUS). Nevertheless, ASUS might understand a factor or even a pair of via Apple company Customer Treatment.
I've read additional evaluations relating to this specific Liquid crystal display issue however ASUS was adament i brought on an excessive amount of power and also that's precisely what pennyless your screen. Once again, my own advice will be when you have not bought one, don't till that they repair your Liquid crystal display challenge. In case you have purchased 1, take care of ultrabook news blog such as you would the ovum and also firmly take into account acquiring a few kind of an guarantee in which addresses monitor cracking.
I seriously believe presently there should really certainly be a recall or a few form of the warrantee about these kinds of uk laptop parts blog. I am convinced there is certainly a new style downside or perhaps flawed components included. Really does anybody discover how all of us attempt having an individual look in to accomplishing a thing like this? Is there an internet web-site or perhaps an tackle to be able to email to where we might produce a request this be looked at?
Bring up to date Just after Restoration -- Consequently, My spouse and i routed named in for restoration immediately after being told they can test that to determine just what triggered asus exa0901xh to break into. My partner and i exclaimed that was terrific for the reason that I understood My spouse and i didn't something over normal strain onto it. Properly, I acquired an email rear declaring My spouse and i broke it (Client Caused Harm). My spouse and i called to find out exactly how their particular tests figured when I recognized superior. I used to be and then instructed which adp-40ph ab didn't have a way of screening this nevertheless that it was qualified throughout authentic tests to stand up to 50kg (One hundred ten lbs .). Therefore, with regard to any person reading this, take comfort * your current TF300 (according to ASUS) can tolerate 110 lbs of strain about the Liquid crystal display without busting. I'm able to offer an individual that is certainly not true. We wouldn't always be comfy with asus ux31 charger tolerating 10 weight involving pressure....I know my own did not.
Anyway, they will won't budge. They just keep saying it was our mistake. In all of the value, the woman We handled has been being while nice because the girl can be. The girl didn't have closing point out and he or she cannot help which the woman's provider doesn't care in regards to the client. I'm certain the girl desires the job therefore your woman is not going to accomplish something to threat that. Therefore, My spouse and i pay your ransom to get my own product rear. vgp-bps21 battery will come i switch it on to test out. Just after a short although, I come across out your display doesn't reply to discuss the actual thin border near the particular earphone jack port. I used to be applying a software throughout protrait setting and the image to shut the particular software had been situated at the base advantage. When I touched the image, nothing at all occurred. Next, i attempted out and about far more programs and more emblems on the botton advantage along with asus ux30 power adapter does not function. I'm able to rotate the idea so the major edge turns into the particular botton edge as well as the designs and then respond to touch.
Therefore, my own pain together with asus ul30a adapter in addition to their inadequate products, poor high quality and inadequate consumer service carries on. For everybody caring theirs, my only hope is the fact that you never possess a dilemma mainly because at that point, you can regret the afternoon you reliable this particular provider along with your cash. I'll report back when I realize additional.
Bought this specific product since the features seemed excellent as well as asus eee pc 701 adapter stood a tiny Files position. Maybe I obtained a new " lemon ". The initial factor this specific product will once you hook it up to Wireless is actually update themselves in order to Android Frozen goodies Meal (ICS). Anyone don't get a choice, it lets you do it immediately as well as there is zero simple approach to return to any prior edition. It's important to main this along with useless your guarantee. ICS eliminates Flash due to the fact Adobe offers decided not to create thumb with regard to ICS. The actual Nvidia CPU within this pill will not just like ICS plus it reductions the car battery living through most. I'd recommend getting a thing in addition. Fortunately Amazon online is permitting us send it back to get a repayment always be I've held this much less when compared to a 30 days.
Delivered within the product and asus ux21 adapter wants a new complete main panel substitution! This can be a main restoration to a two thirty day period outdated tablet that will become performed within the again of an go shopping as an alternative with the clean room manufacturing plant atmosphere. My spouse and i approached ASUS for you to ask for substitute instead as the pill will no longer be precisely the same immediately after these kinds of a significant restore. It does not actually sound right cost sensible in order to because the product is sold regarding $350.Double zero. My spouse and i cannot envision their expense is over 50 % of that. Simply what does the idea expense to switch a most important board inside a mechanic shop? Of course that they turned down. I now possess a refurbished capsule in which cost retail store additionally transport. If an more challenge crops upwards (substantially extra likely immediately after this kind of repair) I'll be out a different shipping and delivery fee to send that within. I'll by no means obtain ASUS once again.
Just after reading through quite a bit involving critiques and thinking of many options associated with a variety of sizes and costs, proceeded to go together with the asus n45w-01. Your machine is for my own 15 yr old while the girl college now calls for her to have a machine which can gain access to the internet and turn into utilized for e-books. The program has been to buy the girl a superb tablet which could final on her behalf 3 many years within HS. Purchased these days in July. It is a good looking device and i also believed the particular display quality has been really superior. My personal little girl features loved this extremely substantially. Sadly, about a thirty day period immediately after we purchased the machine, my girl delivered adp-65jh bb adapter residence from practice and also tried to be able to energy it down. The equipment would not power up. The idea worked well that day in school as well as she has certainly not aware involving anything that could get happened for the machine between making university along with on its way property that will night to energy it down. Presently there doesn't seem to be just about any actual harm for the equipment.
By FR Adapter
Consumer Goods,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Customer Reviews for Dell Inspiron 14z laptop computer
1.Tend to be Digital video disc pushes outdated? That is the situation Dell appears to be making having its Studio room 14z, the 14-inch laptop computer that will does not have the eye travel. Catering to college students and other buyers that are extra probably to be able to download software along with entertainment compared to work with a compact disk, this specific slim and lightweight system ($749 with Very best Get, beginning from $649 upon Dell.com) is ideal pertaining to loading content material as well as pa-20. Add in previously mentioned average graphics overall performance, due to Nvidia, effective loudspeakers, as well as more than five a long time associated with battery life, and you possess a powerful worth. Ideal Buy also sweetens the sale simply by putting within 15 a few months associated with cost-free malware security plus a duplicate of Workplace '07 Home and Pupil Release.
2. This notebook could be the great form element -- light-weight, slender, and also a perfectly balanced keyboard set. The la65nso-00 is handily placed, as well as the control keys really are a practical dimensions. Laptop keyboards by itself is often a pretty great design, using area amongst the particular keys to allow quick cleansing. The exhibit can be common, with 1366x768 decision, yet gives reasonably highly detailed graphics and also good looking at perspectives. mSATA Solid state drive along with Rapid Safe-keeping technology, with each other with all the Ivy Bridge i5, give super-responsive processing strength, in addition to quick startups as well as cvs. I know such as nonetheless possessing your optical push, thus obtaining 1 on a machine with such a smaller form-factor is really a huge reward.
3. I had this specific pc regarding 4 times ahead of coming back again it. I was in the beginning looking forward to precisely how well this specifications out there for that price yet found out there swiftly that it was also excellent as well always be correct. After My partner and i kicked it up UK laptop parts grew to be painfully apparent the network minute card has been flawed mainly because it kept shedding the particular wifi indication sporadically. I will hook up some other notebooks, Google android mobile devices, and so forth and also never ever drop the particular signal. Right after doing several rooting online it appears like the actual 13z is actually possessing exactly the same troubles with no real answer.-same challenges in the reviews.
Do oneself the following favor along with cease trying to help au notebook batteries become operate and also make-believe you have to switch all these options in your modem/router. We definitely was hoping there was clearly any easy fix due to the fact anyone genuinely can't defeat the value factor. Thanks health benefits regarding 'easy returns'.
4. Dell Facilities 14z will be fantastic. I prefer this notebook for varsity and also bringing dell adapter around university is not a headache mainly because it really is only the correct measurement. The actual Studio room 14z is extremely streamlined and beautiful. We enhanced the idea together with a number of the numerous choices given and also I've to say in which I'm very satisfied together with precisely how my item ended up. It is really quickly and also goes efficiently. If you can, undoubtedly attempt to obtain any backlit keyboard mainly because it is so useful through several times in class. In addition, the actual sound that notebook puts out can be wonderful. After all you may notice this specific factor quite properly. The screen can be vivid along with absolutely attractive if you watch motion pictures. I would surely advocate having this kind of notebook i we imagine you get pleasure from yours because much when i liked mine.
5. We bought a new 17 throughout and similar to dell j62h3 adapter a lot. The display screen can be so clean up with graphics comparable to High definition using non Hi-def dvds. However to large to carry household pertaining to operate. So bought the 11z. Too compact in my work due to the fact my personal sight usually are not while superior as they make use of to become, yet over most it's a terrific mobile computer with regard to web and school sort work. Simple to carry and nice design. Consequently ended up with receiving any 14z. The very best of each sides. Only correct for those employing that for online, and travel, along with any operate moose for your task. Prior to receiving these types of 3, experienced applied any inspiron Six thousand, 15 inch, which can be my main perform equine today, but they came together means within a brief some time and while asus 90-OK02SP10000Q still performs well, there's simply no assessment with design (measurement), screen quality/graphics. As well as the rate is definitely good. Should you work, travel or perhaps are a university student this really is the?ticket. If your in search of a bit less in thickness examine the studio 14z (along with a touch improved efficiency My partner and i listen to). Simply no drive, nevertheless may well 't be have missed once a person insert your current principal compact disk with an outside, only will not be able to view Dvd disks. At least certainly not effortlessly (have to attach external) I favor the Digital video disc gamer and this one particular was the ideal one particular personally.
By Portable Batterie
2. This notebook could be the great form element -- light-weight, slender, and also a perfectly balanced keyboard set. The la65nso-00 is handily placed, as well as the control keys really are a practical dimensions. Laptop keyboards by itself is often a pretty great design, using area amongst the particular keys to allow quick cleansing. The exhibit can be common, with 1366x768 decision, yet gives reasonably highly detailed graphics and also good looking at perspectives. mSATA Solid state drive along with Rapid Safe-keeping technology, with each other with all the Ivy Bridge i5, give super-responsive processing strength, in addition to quick startups as well as cvs. I know such as nonetheless possessing your optical push, thus obtaining 1 on a machine with such a smaller form-factor is really a huge reward.
3. I had this specific pc regarding 4 times ahead of coming back again it. I was in the beginning looking forward to precisely how well this specifications out there for that price yet found out there swiftly that it was also excellent as well always be correct. After My partner and i kicked it up UK laptop parts grew to be painfully apparent the network minute card has been flawed mainly because it kept shedding the particular wifi indication sporadically. I will hook up some other notebooks, Google android mobile devices, and so forth and also never ever drop the particular signal. Right after doing several rooting online it appears like the actual 13z is actually possessing exactly the same troubles with no real answer.-same challenges in the reviews.
Do oneself the following favor along with cease trying to help au notebook batteries become operate and also make-believe you have to switch all these options in your modem/router. We definitely was hoping there was clearly any easy fix due to the fact anyone genuinely can't defeat the value factor. Thanks health benefits regarding 'easy returns'.
4. Dell Facilities 14z will be fantastic. I prefer this notebook for varsity and also bringing dell adapter around university is not a headache mainly because it really is only the correct measurement. The actual Studio room 14z is extremely streamlined and beautiful. We enhanced the idea together with a number of the numerous choices given and also I've to say in which I'm very satisfied together with precisely how my item ended up. It is really quickly and also goes efficiently. If you can, undoubtedly attempt to obtain any backlit keyboard mainly because it is so useful through several times in class. In addition, the actual sound that notebook puts out can be wonderful. After all you may notice this specific factor quite properly. The screen can be vivid along with absolutely attractive if you watch motion pictures. I would surely advocate having this kind of notebook i we imagine you get pleasure from yours because much when i liked mine.
5. We bought a new 17 throughout and similar to dell j62h3 adapter a lot. The display screen can be so clean up with graphics comparable to High definition using non Hi-def dvds. However to large to carry household pertaining to operate. So bought the 11z. Too compact in my work due to the fact my personal sight usually are not while superior as they make use of to become, yet over most it's a terrific mobile computer with regard to web and school sort work. Simple to carry and nice design. Consequently ended up with receiving any 14z. The very best of each sides. Only correct for those employing that for online, and travel, along with any operate moose for your task. Prior to receiving these types of 3, experienced applied any inspiron Six thousand, 15 inch, which can be my main perform equine today, but they came together means within a brief some time and while asus 90-OK02SP10000Q still performs well, there's simply no assessment with design (measurement), screen quality/graphics. As well as the rate is definitely good. Should you work, travel or perhaps are a university student this really is the?ticket. If your in search of a bit less in thickness examine the studio 14z (along with a touch improved efficiency My partner and i listen to). Simply no drive, nevertheless may well 't be have missed once a person insert your current principal compact disk with an outside, only will not be able to view Dvd disks. At least certainly not effortlessly (have to attach external) I favor the Digital video disc gamer and this one particular was the ideal one particular personally.
By Portable Batterie
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
ASUS ZENBOOK UX31E DH52 client reviews
The ZENBOOK UX31E utilizes a precision-crafted design computing just 3mm in the front and also 9mm in the raise. The design capabilities razor thin perimeters plus a bent center part, that is each practical as well as appealing : while helpful the actual highly effective computing parts inside of, this design and style in addition seems totally exclusive. laptop battery brings together beauty along with power within complete balance and also tranquility. Exclusive ASUS Super Hybrid Engine 2 together with instant upon allows 2-second application from the notebook computer via slumber, with as much as two weeks of standby moment along with open up documents as well as other impending info kept secure within memory.
useful consumer reviews
1. I wished a small, potent notebook at a price that undercuts the particular macbook atmosphere. I acquired in which inside Asus UX31. My partner and i travel and desired something lightweight. I needed to be able to flow 1080p video clip to my personal television through high-definition multimedia. I desired a totally highlighted machine with Hardware 3.2 as well as Wireless 4.3. I managed to get all of that within this small powerhosue. We are happily surprised on the asus power adapter bloatware which transported with the personal computer. I actually use more often than it. I love the particular face acknowledgement login really works. The preset efficiency single profiles in which save battery are helpful as well. We are furthermore surprised at the particular sound quality which comes out of your loudspeaker. Basically may alter one thing, I might ask for much better software for your mouse track pad. I had to change the majority of the features (cruising, touch to be able to simply click) away and off to have it to operate efficiently.
2. I utilize the Zenbook mostly to scan the web, type upwards paperwork, and check email. As an ultrabook, your modern design and style and light fat is incredibly appealing. It is easy to take with them, keep, and also forces off and on swiftly. Right after with regards to a week or so while using Zenbook, the one downsides I've noticed to date is once you search up or down while using the arrows, your response is relatively postponed. Even though it isn't really which large an agreement, it will get rid of the sense regarding asus laptop battery becoming the right appliance. But just what laptop is correct? Something is only the way the actual recommendations feel. You undoubtedly feel the keying, while about some other laptops/keyboards typing only would seem much more easy. About this, you happen to be simply truly alert to the whole process of moving down switches. Perhaps you only have to enjoy it. Lastly, there's no drive drive and just A single Universal serial bus port. So if you're employing a wifi mouse or perhaps outer push, forget about inserting whatever else within. So get your center.
3. The malfunctions commenced immediately. I used to be truly filling out the actual waranty type on the internet when out of the blue I became keying broke being released. I believed I need to happen to be undertaking something wrong and so i re-booted For instance a few times and got results again. I really thought maybe I carressed one thing for the keyboard set or even the touch pad to be able to switch on this odd characteristic. Not a chance, We understood this became just happening aimlessly. In order to quantity it all up, the keyboard does not reliably function. au ac adapter will be the point of obtaining any kind of laptop computer if you cannot perhaps trust the keyboard doing work?? Sadly I am just in agreement with the some other testimonials which usually claim that the laptop keyboard is very poor in efficiency.
4. I expected much more from your screen. The colors begin failing in a quite slim up and down range of perspectives. Yes, it's vibrant possesses a really high quality. Yet this barely allows when the photograph appears okay limited to a certain perspective. Also (ASUS and others, make sure you hear!) 16*9 formatting is far from your best for 13 inches as well as scaled-down screens. Your zenbook ux31 charger during the past number of years makes aapl monitors more desirable for many individuals which utilize their own personal computers not only to enjoy video games watching High definition movie. Also the electrical power put seems a bit flimsy (the particular guided onto it showing asking for flickers every now and then).
5. Very great without a doubt. I decided this reading substantial on the internet testimonials. My conditions had been: large pixel sizes, great keyboard set along with touchpad, no backlight, ethernet adaptor, excellent battery life. Touch pad is large and simple to work with, gadget boot styles upward and also resumes through sleep quickly, and the touch pad lockout characteristic is incredibly handy certainly. asus ux21e charger needs a small acquiring make use of in order to, but when you are informed about this, it's actually a really sweet tiny bundle. The battery existence indicates My spouse and i don't hassle using electrical power bunch when camping any time I want anywhere of waking time - yay! Your display is very useful also, even on battery power.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Dell Inspiron N5050 Customer Reviews
- Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition
- CPU Intel Core i3 (2nd Gen) 2330M / 2.2 GHz
- Display 15.6" HD WLED True-Life (1366x768)
- Interfaces 3 x USB 2.0 LAN HDMI VGA Microphone input Headphone output
- Graphics Processor Intel HD Graphics 3000
2. purchased for family use and so far has been excellent. Only 2 faults- Memory could have been better but as not using for business use is fine. Battery life could be better but you cant have laptop parts all. Easy to set up and connect to internet, even non computer people will manage it, Screen quality and colours are fantastic. Not too bulky so easily portable. Performance and speed cant be faulted so overall brilliant buy especially as i got it on offer.
3. I went shopping for a new desktop computer to play a newly released computer game. The price ranges on the "gaming computers" are obscene. Very much discouraged, I decided to go with an affordable laptop (a.k.a. N5050) so that I had charger dell to browse the web with and such. To my surprise the Inspiron 15 (N5050) Laptop, has been able to run said computer game extremely well. Over-all there is not a lot I can say on a negative note about the N5050. It's extremely affordable, simple in design, quick to boot up and navigate through different programs. I'm already raving about it to family and fellow co-workers. Though I am not normally someone who writes reviews on products, I have been so impressed that I have felt compelled to do so.
4. This is my first laptop and second Dell Computer. Fast, more storage than I need. I have Wifi at home and love being able to use it. I would like dell batteries to be a little lighter in weight but know that new ones are becoming that way. I truly am happy with this laptop and especially Dell products. Great support and prices and plenty of options.
5. This laptop was bought to replace an old HP machine that had died after 4 years. This Dell is so much quicker and the battery life is way longer lasting up to 5-6hours if just browsing internet. Had thought when i ordered that this had a matt screen but has got a gloss one, was not sure if would like that but the screen is so bright and clear that unless you go outside in the sun it's not problem. It's not the lightest or thinist machine out there but i was governed by price and not fashion when making my purchase !!! Overall very pleased with this Dell and would recommend to others.
6. I bought this system to replace my old ageing Inspiron 8600 that is falling apart. I needed a decent budget laptop that I can use at home for general web browsing, studying for my IT exams, playing the odd game and streaming videos and music from my home server. I'm happy to say that it fits the bill very nicely. I was happy to see that the performance is on a par with my old DIY desktop. I would like to have had a backlit keyboard and discrete graphics but I couldn't afford the extra money for these options unfortunately...
7. I purchased this hp chargeur brand new at the beginning of this year. It's my 1st time purchasing a brand new computer, I'd always bought my computers on Craigslist, or the newspaper etc, etc. I went in the store not knowing what laptop I was gonna purchase. All I knew was I was gonna buy a DELL. I've owned two other used DELL laptops prior & both of them were reliable, performed well & long lasting. So why not continue to trust that name? Only this time I wanted one out of the box. I love my new laptop & in 5 to 6 years or so I'm gonna get me another DELL. I thoroughly recommend this product to everyone. - A happy consumer
By FR Adapter
Thursday, September 27, 2012
HP Envy Spectre XT notebook review
Processor | 1.7GHz Intel Core i5-3317U |
Memory | 4GB, 1,600Hz DDR3 |
Hard drive | 128GB SSD |
Chipset | Intel HM77 |
Graphics | Intel HD 4000 |
Operating system | Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) |
Dimensions (WD) | 12.4x8.8 inches |
Height | 0.7 inch |
Screen size (diagonal) | 13.3 inches |
System weight / Weight with ac adapter | 3.1/4 pounds |
The fantastic:Trim and light-weight, the actualHP Be jealous
of Spectre XTcan be easily transportable, well-built, and also easy to make use
of, using a fantastic keyboard set.
The bad:The particular style does not stand out since a lot because the original Spectre's did, and its particular battery life won't allow you to get via an entire evening. From the top quality product, we might anticipate the greater display resolution.
The net profit:A high-end notebook at a popular cost, the HP Be jealous of Spectre XT receives a great deal of the look and really feel appropriate, using just some problems.
While it is a well created appliance from HP, it isn't excellent. Monitor wobbles a little plus the lows has a soft-grip, nevertheless plastic material high-quality with it. The actual Solid state drive is rapidly, yet loads of the space will be swallowed up by the technique restore partition. I might favour which place as well as place the system regain on an SSD. Out in the field, you're looking at regarding Seventy show out there. We assume the particular display screen is actually good, however the hues do not blow me aside. My spouse and i don't anticipate to become actively playing virtually any brand new video games for this, however it appears potent enough to be able to dabble.
Overall an excellent computer. Should you be searching for the laptop or computer using equal create high quality for the apple macbook oxygen, go with a macbook atmosphere. This kind of appliance occurs close, but little issues similar to monitor pivot balance (so you may just open together with a single hands) are not presently there. HP certainly would a terrific career spending focus in order to details, however they neglected some superficial factors. From the out there alternatives, this particular 1 will be the most effective for the cost. I desired any House windows machine, along with after substantial
By FR Batteries
The bad:The particular style does not stand out since a lot because the original Spectre's did, and its particular battery life won't allow you to get via an entire evening. From the top quality product, we might anticipate the greater display resolution.
The net profit:A high-end notebook at a popular cost, the HP Be jealous of Spectre XT receives a great deal of the look and really feel appropriate, using just some problems.
Hardware / design
From across the room, my personal excellent buddy did not even understand I had a new laptop adapter to be able to review. He or she thought I had been typing absent in my Apple macbook Air flow. A long time afterwards, having less a new great Apple company company logo going your pet off, but the damage ended up being accomplished,no matter what HP could possibly have got intended. Although your Spectre XT isn't any total clone associated with Apple's notebook a new together with fairly unique cover, pivot, phone speaker, and also trackpad styles a the particular overall impact can be obviously designed to draw individualswho desire any Apple macbook Air with Windows aboard. I don't possess problem with that target, when i favor Windows operating system, i truly believe your Spectre XT enhances in that it is Apple competing within a amount of ways. We allˉll go over individuals in a touch. Nevertheless, though the earlier Envy 14 Spectre experienced being a breathing involving clean air, your Spectre XT honestly comes off because offshoot.Screen and speakers
Considering that your very initially HP Envy 3 in the past, the particular firm offers searched for to provide Envy consumers along with displays preferable over. Though certainly one of those monitorsexperienced a number of shade difficulties and also another a single annoyinglyhappened to run rented out already, HP's typically provided richer, a lot more vivid, high-resolution demonstrates at the lower value when compared with any one otherwise. Merely a handful of several weeks back again, the actual Jealousy 14 Spectre's Sixteen hundred by 800 present was lovely. Here, you're caught using a fairly gray 1366 x 768 cell that will seems to lose brightness and threatens for you to change or even scrub out of the colours with the merest change in looking at perspective. It's not necessarily fairly because poor as the show that comes with,state, your Dell XPS 13, as well as Samsung Chargeur can be acceptable in the event you hold your face along with the lid within a solitary position as well as do not move both one particular, yet there are significantly better window screens to become been on additional laptops.Performance along with software
Thankfully, the particular entry-level specifications functions for basic jobs, as well as the Samsung MZMPC128-HBFU reliable state drive will a fantastic work. Through my own typical workday, which consists of a large number of auto-refreshing web web browser tabs, various push e-mail company accounts, films, as well as audio playing in the track record, I didn't notice any kind of downturn opening points. Whenever Asus chargeur opened numerous internet websites along with Thumb video clip with once on one event, our Stainless visitor does notify myself that this Expensive wordpress plugin acquired damaged, however I've got potent desktop computer computers expertise which similar issue. Trunk times tend to be great as well as fast at just 16 mere seconds to be able to initially see your desktop computer, together with the machine totally loaded about 22 seconds soon after the ability option will be despondent, also it wakes via slumber in only beneath 2 just a few seconds. Only don't expect to try out plenty of current Pc games on the built-in Intel High-definition Four thousand graphics. When you don't count on anything in any way, you could be pleasantly surprised, however experienced trouble receiving my personal ageing standard favored Only Lead to 2 to provide me personally playable framerates from cheapest options in the laptop's local 1366 x 768 resolution. Modern, additional stressful headings will possess a difficult moment.Customer Reviews
Terrific design along with features. You get full Adobe photograph along with online video editing computer software, and 2 full many years of Norton. Keyboard will be well setup and has respectable vacation when when compared to the actual samsung series 9 or even asus models. The particular track pad will be sleek and receptive (in hundreds of $ much less, we may create). A lot of websites and also writers gripe in regards to the display screen, yet at 13.3 ", the actual solution operates. My partner and i in brief had your higher-res Spectre 14 as well as the greater ers monitor produced things too little for this dimension machine. Develop high quality is extremely fantastic pertaining to windows based machine. Technical specs are usually good too--Ivy Link i5, 4 concert involving ram memory and also a fast Solid state drive. Shoe upward moment can be minimal and also hp chargeur awakes from rest virtually immediately. Electric battery seems great too. Through things i can inform thus far, I will find around 5-6 hrs from it. Minimal bloatware. This device thinks light along with strong. I get the sense it'll last me many a long time. On board speakers are generally good, however likely will not be making use of them a great deal. My spouse and i didn't obtain this specific for beats audio.While it is a well created appliance from HP, it isn't excellent. Monitor wobbles a little plus the lows has a soft-grip, nevertheless plastic material high-quality with it. The actual Solid state drive is rapidly, yet loads of the space will be swallowed up by the technique restore partition. I might favour which place as well as place the system regain on an SSD. Out in the field, you're looking at regarding Seventy show out there. We assume the particular display screen is actually good, however the hues do not blow me aside. My spouse and i don't anticipate to become actively playing virtually any brand new video games for this, however it appears potent enough to be able to dabble.
Overall an excellent computer. Should you be searching for the laptop or computer using equal create high quality for the apple macbook oxygen, go with a macbook atmosphere. This kind of appliance occurs close, but little issues similar to monitor pivot balance (so you may just open together with a single hands) are not presently there. HP certainly would a terrific career spending focus in order to details, however they neglected some superficial factors. From the out there alternatives, this particular 1 will be the most effective for the cost. I desired any House windows machine, along with after substantial
By FR Batteries
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
ASUS X53E-RH71 notebook review
- Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition
- CPU Intel Core i7 (2nd Gen) 2670QM / 2.2 GHz
- Hard Drive 500 GB HDD / 5400 rpm
- Graphics Processor Intel HD Graphics 3000
- Features Built-in numeric keyboard, Palm Proof Technology, dustproof
- Resolution 1366 x 768 ( HD )
- RAM 4 GB
- Pretty good speakers for a [$] laptop.-Best cooling system of any laptop I've ever ownedCons:-5400 rpm HDD-only 4 gigs of ram-tons of bloatware-integrated graphicsOther thoughts:-The biggest selling point for this is the fact that adaptateur secteur hp has a 2670QM as a processor. This processor in case you didn't know out performs all six core amd desktop processors, and a handful of intel quad core desktop processors. It's a beast to say the least. The cooling effiency of this laptop is great. I watched six or seven lost episodes on netflix with this guy running on performance, and the whole time the laptop was actually on my lap. Didn't heat up one bit, very impressive. Do yourself a favor and upgrade to 8 gigs of ram which won't cost you more than 40. And upgrade the hard drive to a 7200 rpm laptop drive, or even better, an SSD. I'm going to do the latter, because I don't need capacity on a laptop since all of my data is stored on my desktop and backed up on an external. Final thoughts:Don't look any further than this beast. [$] for this machine is ridiculous. It's got everything a laptop needs and a great cooling system, processor, keyboard, and screen.Would also recommend getting an aftermarket webcam since, unfortunately the stock one is .3 mp.
- This is an exciting find. For the price, you can't beat the adaptateur Asus. I bought from B&H because they came highly recommended. I bought the ASUS because they are also highly recommended by people in the know.
- I also bought 4 more gigs of ram and 256g crucial M 4 ssd from B&H for this Asus.Both of which were priced lower than than anywhere else I could find asus charger, as was the computer itself.All of this with free shipping.Shipping was fast for being free.Haven't installed ssd yet, so should really scream after that.This comp does not get hot.This isn't really a gaming laptop as it has Intel hd 3000 integrated graphics and thats not why I bought it.
- I was very excited about getting my laptop for college and I immediately started started to break it in. One thing I noticed was that the laptop was not black, as adaptateur samsung was stated in the descriptions, but brown. I overlooked the color because I liked how it contrasts from any other laptop. After using the laptop for about a week I noticed that the typing would be delayed. I'm not sure if it is the actual laptop or the internet connection but it doesn't happen too often. I haven't used it to its full capacity yet because I haven't started classes yet but I believe that it is the right laptop for me. I really like using the laptop on battery saving mode because instead of it lasting for little over 2 hours it can last up between 4 to 8 hours depending on how long I am using the laptop. So far I would recommend this laptop to anyone and if I need to get a new laptop I would definitely get another 90-XB34N0PW00000Y!
- Great computer - bought it for my aunt who needed a good, fast, reliable computer that wasn't going to be out of date in 24 months. I can highly recommend this computer to anyone who doesn't need a computer with a high-end graphics processor.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Asus G75VW-NS71 Notebook Review
Processor | 2.3GHz Intel Core i7-3610QM |
Memory | 12GB, 1,333MHz DDR3 |
Hard drive | 750GB 7,200rpm |
Chipset | Intel HM77 |
Graphics | Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M |
Operating system | Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) |
Dimensions (WD) | 16.3x12.6 inches |
Height | 0.9 - 2 inches |
Screen size (diagonal) | 17.3 inches |
System weight / Weight with ac adapters | 9.5 pounds / 11.7 pounds |
The good: The Asus G75VW-NS71 has a cutting-edge processor, a new Nvidia GPU, a slightly thinned-down body, a matte antiglare screen, and faster ports and connections than its predecessor, including tons of USB 3.0 ports and Thunderbolt.
The bad: This laptop's still not cheap; it may not be $2,000, but it's far more expensive than the average laptop. And, let's face it: this machine's still a boat. Also, in performance it lags behind more powerful gaming laptops like the Origin EON17-S.
The bottom line: If you want to buy a "budget" gaming laptop, the Asus G75VW-AS71 offers plenty of horsepower and features in its heavy 17-inch body. Just don't expect anything svelte -- or good battery life.
Customer Reviews:
1.Pros: Powerhouse computer. Plays all games on high (except sniper elite v2 and i think it's a game issue). Pretty quiet and doesn't run very hot at all. Attractive and not gaudy like some gaming laptops. Most said battery life was a con but the adaptateur hp actually exceeded my expectations (i expected 1 hour of life). Awesome speakers for a laptop. There are too many pros to add...Cons: Weight (to be expected) - though what was unexpected imo was the power cord being so heavy. The power cord basically has a desktop powersupply attached to it (not enough to deduct an egg). Another con is that is doesn't have 5.8 ghz capabilities and I love to run wifi N 5.8 on my nodes (this avoids interference from a lot of common wifi products).
2. This chargeur ordinateur asus is selling like crazy everywhere that's why it goes out of stock so quick. I received this laptop free of defects , I also ordered a samsung 128GB ssd which I installed in the free drive bay, after I tested the computer to make sure it was ok I formatted and installed win 7 to the ssd and made the 500GB a data drive. I installed Battlefield 3 to the ssd and set everything to high then set a few things to Ultra along with Ambient Occlusion to HBAO, It is running between 40-50 FPS that's better than my desktop 560 nvidia. This computer has just what you need and not a bunch of extras that just cost money for no gain. it is worth it to add a ssd it just makes everything load so fast. This is not just a gaming computer but not many laptops will run the newest games this good and still be this cool and very low noise, it just looks very sleek and not flashy. The 670m GPU should last years as it only needs 75 watts , this was a wise move by Asus. I rate this a 10.
3. Pros: Blazing speed. Gorgeous display. In the short time we have had this beast, we have cranked Skyrim to ultra with zero hitching, ran TERA on level 5 settings with no lag whatsoever. Diablo 3 isn't intensive on the machine but it is flawless as well. It is built like a tank so if a large laptop that is heavy is an issue for you, stay away.
Cons: Sadly we had to RMA through Asus already. We had not tried the Chargeur EXA0904YH on battery power until this morning. The battery light indicated that it was fully charged. I accidentally unplugged the computer and it powered completely off. Long story short, Asus says its a known issue where the device is not accepting power through the battery. RMA process began this morning.
We are not dissuaded from this laptop because of a factory defect. IN the brief time we have had it, new fr adapter has functioned way above and beyond expectations. I will update when the RMA is complete.
4. I see reviews of people saying they ran games like Diablo 3 and Battlefield 3 on max settings with no problems. I cant even run these games on low with this laptop without obvious visible lag. The lag is too bad to even play the game. I dont understand seeing as how the hardware is better than my desktop, but it can run these games fine. Maybe my video card is defective? I dont know, im pretty dissappointed and if my laptop turns out to be what i think it is, im gonna have to send it back for a replacement which is SUCH a hassle. :(
By fr batteries
Thursday, September 20, 2012
hp pavilion dm4-2180us Laptop Review
Microprocessor | 2nd generation Intel Core i5-2430M Processor 2.40 GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 3.00 GHz |
Memory | 6GB DDR3 SDRAM (2 DIMM) |
Memory Max | Maximum supported = 8GB |
Video Graphics | Intel HD Graphics 3000 |
Video Memory | Up to 1696MB |
Hard Drive | 640GB 5400RPM) |
Multimedia Drive | SuperMulti DVD burner |
Display | 14.0-inch diagonal HD BrightView LED-backlit Display (1366 x 768) |
Network Card | 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN |
Wireless Connectivity |
Customer Reviews:
1. I has been trying to find the light source pounds and slim notebook. But laptop parts wasn't confident about HP mainly because i've 2 New laptop notebooks. Just after the lengthy search i chose to get HP dm4-2180us, i managed to get it to get a great price tag. It's actually intel core i5 much additional more quickly i quickly thought. The actual wonderful thing about this laptop computer would be the electric battery genuinely last long and also there is certainly absolutely no home heating challenge2. The pace -- especially pertaining to multi-tasking -- accomplished with all the i5 Computer (Two dimensional technology?) and also six Gigabyte regarding memory will be impressive. It might 't be any video gaming program however it is actually more rapidly compared to something I've turn out to be familiar with. We tried to weight as several packages as possible when nevertheless in the retailer where there had been under no circumstances any kind of perceptible slowing. precisely the same thing with dwelling, but have not but loaded my personal seriously heavy-duty memory-using plans however, merely Opera, Thunderbird, as well as OpenOffice. I've utilized these types of at the same time with out any kind of dilemma.
It is also your coolest-running personal computer I have at any time used. The likely cause there's absolutely no backlight pertaining to secrets is always to present the particular convection ventilation that comes up through ports below and up about the particular secrets. I have but to be able to really feel the hot present. Even the transformer inside the cord just thinks cold soon after hours of link. How can they certainly that will?
3. I this way machine. The idea features a excellent processor as well as plenty of memory. Of course, this really is a great HP, consequently there are actually some drawbacks. Initial, HP will be well known pertaining to placing a whole lot of rubbish that is frankly Entirely UNECCESARY as well as rather irritating. When they might adhere to simple computer software, and also practical computer software, the idea could be much much easier proper out and about in the box.
Next, adaptateur secteur samsung appears most of the people choose these kind of chiclet key boards lately, nicely I hate all of them, plus it seems like we're bound to them for any time. I assume if the tips on this one had been a bit a lot more sound, I'd as it only a little much better. Lastly, once We start off keying in My spouse and i hit that silly touchpad as well as my personal cursor gets plastered on sleep issues of the screen coming from where I am typing. We don't determine if this really is only bad location, or even just what.
4. I purchased this particular laptop computer to exchange my own 10 year old office pc. WOW! That of a mobile computer! EXA0904YH provides almost everything and more as compared to My spouse and i anticipated. My partner and i enjoy the particular finger print audience, which usually We've normally regarded an absurd extravagance. This kind of laptop computer is so lighting and also easy to understand. Battery life is around 5 hrs together with the typical battery, even though get xceeded 6 hrs. I just obtained the actual extended lifestyle battery pack coming from hp for the reason that I favor the point the idea provides a laptop (acquired this specific in my last laptop) and can furthermore give me at the least 8 several hours. My partner and i explored along with discovered terrific reviews with this tool and I am surely in agreement. That rocks!
5. We bought the actual HP DM4 immediately after looking at positive reviews and examining it inside the neighborhood Basics retailer. I loved the sunlight bodyweight, Windows 7 along with many various other capabilities. In the beginning I was satisfied with the laptop. Nevertheless, inside 1 7 days associated with proudly owning laptops, the actual laptop or computer gone down, in spite of lighting make use of and just looking at the workplace in property. Right after various calls together with adaptateur secteur hp help as well as a contact returning to Basics, they will established the mother board has been defective. Because it ended up being a real brief time period (much less compared to a couple weeks), Food staples just gave me a new a single along with came back the initial one particular to HP. Additionally, determined by that bad practical experience, I used to be spoke straight into purchasing a Food staples manufacturer's warranty regarding $149.
The subsequent one worked nicely to get a small over 2 months Asus 90-XB34N0PW00000Y was just about exclusively simply still left about the house cubical. Inside the final week My partner and i used this when traveling, yet shielded this within a cushioned sleeve as well as transported the idea within a brief-case. Laptop computers tend to be meant to be transportable by style, proper? When I ripped it out with the sleeve as well as transformed that on, there is a african american place which appeared as if a leaf and collections proceeding through the leading as well as around the facet. We restarted to find out whether it would likely clear however it didn't.
By:fr batteries
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Asus U46E-BAL6 Laptop Review
Processor | 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-2620M |
Memory | 8GB, 1,333MHz DDR3 |
Hard drive | 750GB 7,200rpm |
Chipset | Intel HM67 |
Graphics | Intel HD 3000 |
Operating system | Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) |
Dimensions (WD) | 13.1x 9.6inches |
Height | 1.1 inches |
Screen size (diagonal) | 14 inches |
System weight / Weight with ac adapter | 4.8 pounds / 5.6 pounds |
The good: The Asus U46E-BAL6 has an excellent keyboard and a well-designed frame, and comes packed with a fast processor, ample connectivity features--WiMax and USB 3.0 included--and plenty of hard-drive space and RAM for an aggressive price.
The bad: The laptop doesn't have dedicated graphics, and the battery life is good, but we've seen better.
The bottom line: A strong design, tons of features, and plenty of asus charger make the Asus U46E-BAL6 one of the best 14-inch laptops we've seen all year.
Customer Reviews:
1.I loved the look and feel of this laptop at the best buy store, and thought that even at $849 that this was a decent buy. When I found out that they were dropping prices by $150, I knew I had to have it. asus battery just got it by mail yesterday, and my initial impressions are that this is a well built laptop with good performance. A dedicated graphics card would have been nice, but the on board card is doing a fair job. The speaker(yes, count one) sound tinny, as the other reviewers have also noticed. I also would have loved a backlit keyboard. The battery life seems very good. I also really like the way it looks with the aluminium finish, and I do not see any smudges. Overall, a fine buy, and I would give it 4.5 stars. It may have its faults, but for the asus ux31 adapter I would certainly recommend it to anyone(with the possible exception of hardcore gamers).2. This laptop is all that I need. It works well and I am very pleased with the compact, light weight design. I have two criticisms concerning this computer. Tthe computer has average battery life, which is about 5 hours. 90-XB34N0PW00000Y good for me, but for those who are looking for a battery life of 8 hours or more, they will not find it in this computer. The computer speaker sound quality is not high, though it works fine. I usually use headphones and external speakers. The sound quality is outstanding with these. Beside these critiques, everything else is excellent.
3. I am so happy with my purchase of this Asus i7 14" Chargeur Asus Zenbook UX31E-Ry010v. The sales people kept trying to pawn me off on a Samsung Chronos for $999, but I fell in love with this ASUS because this also has an i7 processor and 8 GB Ram like the Samsung that is $220 more! I adopted this portable kid yesterday, and let me tell you, this machine is fast! I notice the difference between an i5 and i7 if I am watching YouTube videos. I opened 3 browsers with Youtube, 1080p videos playing at the same time, and this machine never stopped loading. On the main screen, there is a Intel Core i7 monitor that shows how many GHz are used in your applications--the bar goes up to 3.4 GHz! Many i5 laptops are only capable of going up to 3 GHz. Mine was hoovering around 3.09 GHz, which means that my videos will load without slack. Anyway, this laptop has 8 GB of RAM, making multi-tasking a breeze. This machine is really quiet too as the fans are on the side of the computer, not the bottom like other laptops. However, I do not like the CD drive--its cheap plastic, just like the bottom. I could not load my antivirus software in it. I had to get an external usb CD drive instead. It does play DVDs however. I would have liked for it to have a Blu-ray player and a back-lit keyboard, but I can't be too picky. Also, I cannot open my webcam, so I had to get ASUS tech support to help me.
4. So once my old Dell laptop's processor fried itself due to me overworking laptop adapter, I decided I needed to find a laptop with the right specs for me. I do a lot of music production and I'm usually on the go, so I figured this laptop would do the job. Well, when I went to Best Buy to look around one of the employees highly recommended this one. Doing his job, he talked me into buying it without enough research. After telling me it had a Quad-Core i7 processor (which the tag even said it itself at Best Buy), I get home to find out it's a dual-core. Whatever, kinda my fault without doing enough research.
Anyway, between the unnecessary programs that both Best Buy and Asus installed, I ended up having very early registry issues and unreasonable bugs. When I say "very early" I mean the night that I took the laptop home, I was having hardcore technical issues with it and had to reboot the whole operating system. I was never a fan of Windows 7 anyway, but since mine came with 'Home Premium' I was beyond annoyed. By far my most disliked OS I've ever dealt with.
Anyway, performance is decent. Not worth the money I spent, but it gets the job done. I feel like I could have gotten the same performance for half the cash though.
5. i could not believe the price for an i7 dual core 8 gb ram computer so i had to get charger samsung tried it out for about a week now and its awesome super fast super powerful super light i take it everywhere but it comes at a price no dedicated graphics card =( but its not all bad it could still run some pretty decent games with very minor lag (Team Fortress 2, half-life 2, Nexon Games.) are just some examples of games i tried so if your looking for your next gaming laptop this may not be it but if u want something t take anywhere and still pack a punch this is defiantly for you
6. Love this new laptop. Sleek design, looks cool, fast, display super sharp. Track pad is a little difficult to manage, it's too sensitive no matter what settings I use, but I've gotten used to it. Big problem so far is that DVD player isn't working (must be the hardware), and communication with ASUS tech support via email on their site have, basically, not been responded to. Have not yet gotten on phone with them, but it should have been an easy problem to solve via email, and so far they've been solely lacking.
By:adaptateur hp
Friday, September 14, 2012
HP ENVY 15-3047NR Notebook Review
Microprocessor | 2.20 GHz 2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor with Turbo Boost Technology up to 3.10 GHz |
Memory | 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM (2 DIMM) |
Memory Max | Maximum supported = 16GB |
Video Graphics | Radeon HD 7690M switchable graphics with 1024MB GDDR5 |
Video Memory | Up to 5093MB total graphics memory |
Hard Drive | 750GB 7200RPM hard drive with HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection |
Multimedia Drive | Slot-loading SuperMulti DVD burner |
Display | 15.6-inch diagonal Radiance Full HD (8) Infinity LED-backlit display (1920 x 1080) |
Network Card | 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector) |
Wireless Connectivity | Intel 2x2 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN Bluetooth with WiDi |
Sound | Beats Audio with 6 speakers and a subwoofer HP Wireless Audio |
Keyboard | HP Radiance Backlit Keyboard |
Pointing Device | HP Imagepad with on/off button and precision multi-touch gesture support. |
PC Card Slots |
Customer Review:
1.Received my ENVY 15 a few weeks ago and it arrived in stunning fashion. However, strangely enough, the monitor appeared to be loose from the frame in a few locations. So I had to push around the edges with my fingers to ensure laptop parts "snapped in" correctly. I am not sure if this was something to do with the fact that this was a quick-ship model and someone forgot to check the screen? I have not had an issue since.Ever since that it has been great. The hp charger is absolutely brilliant and the design is sleek. The computer runs amazingly cool in a general sense, though there is a significant change in temperature while gaming. Programs run quickly, though that is to be expected in the early stages of a laptop. Multi-tasking is good.
The toughest thing to get use to (coming from a Dell Inspiron) is the keyboard and hp batteries. The chiclet keys do take some getting used to (if you weren't a chiclet typer before) and the up arrow is tiny. I still find myself hitting the shift button thinking it's the up arrow. The backlit keybpard is wonderful and bright. The mousepad is smooth to the touch, but not as good as a macbook pro and the click button is certainly stiffer than most laptops. However, the Synaptics click pad program gives you lots of options I haven't seen with other products so that is a plus. Sound is great on the system though I cannot tell that there is a subwoofer.
2. I used my Envy to play music, burn CDs, and surf the web. laptop adapters has incredible "wow" type of sound. It is very easy to use, fast, and nimble. My Envy sounds much better than my Macbook Pro. I wish it was all aluminum as I am not a fan the black top cover. The price is just about right at $1300. My friends love the sound it produces.
3. The speed is good, but it hangs up periodically. For the 90-XB34N0PW00000Y, I expect better performance. The keyboard is like an apple, so it is centered and does not have a number keypad on the right side. Definitely like the volume dial. Also, screen quality is great. However, this generation of 15" laptops does not fit into my rolling laptop bag- they are just a bit too long. Returning it in favor of a 14" laptop, which this does not come in.
4. dont look at the reviews talking about the red-orange thing. it was only on the first batch. this pc is awesome. comaped it to my 2012 mackbook pro and the envy 15. the envy was faster by a mile.
its sleek and comes with a microfiber sleeve that is just awesome. it also has all of adobe elements 9. and to top it off the beats speakers. it is just awesome especially the volume wheel on the side really smooth and convenient. this is a monster packed into a 1 and half inch thick 15 inch screen laptop. and also the bttery is like 5 hours its awesome. 5 hours and i am a gamer so thats a lot.
5. I just got mine yesterday and I must say that I am pretty impressed with the way it was packaged and the first day of usage.
I knew about the red/orange screen problem beforehand and I immediately checked to see if the problem really existed as others were saying as soon as I got my hands on mine. The problem is there allright but I do not think it should be considered a deal breaker unless you are a graphics designer and need to see correct color tones. To be honest, I dont think I would have noticed this red/orange chargeur hp myself if I did not read about it before I purchased it. So it really isnt that visible to the naked eye. The red looks red until you bring another screen next to it and then your ENVY will seem a bit orangish when compared side by side.
6. The HP Envy 15 is probably the highest quality laptop I've ever purchased (and I have at least 5 under my belt.) Build quality is on par with MBPs, beautiful aluminum and magnesium build, relatively light weight, the asus zenbook ux31 adapter has gorgeous clarity despite having a noticeable shift in reds towards orange.
Naturally the computer is very fast, the 3040NR model with the i7 and 8gb of ram is suited for speed. 4 cores, 8 threads, enough ram to accomplish the tasks of 4 average computers. Gaming is solid on the dedicated graphics. I recommend anybody looking to optimize battery life go into BIOS, and change the graphics over from dynamic to fixed. Then select which GPU you would like while using the OS. Put my operating time on battery up a couple hours from around 3 before the change to near 5 hours and 30 minutes after.
By adaptateur secteur
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